Today I finished reading “Guust #6 – Flaters Schade” by Andre Franquin
Archives for 1982
How dark is “too dark?”
I like black humour. It lets me face being afraid of something I cannot control.
Jokes full of black humour are like kids with cancer.
They never get old.
Listening – Dare
This week I listened to “Dare” by The Human League
Linking it all together
They link various bits of code together in to a final piece of executable code.
It’s like chaining and not like chaining.
I get it now!
Linkers take lots of little bits of “almost” ready to run code that the compiler spits out, and stitches them together in to a single piece of code.
A good linker can rearrange the code in memory based on usage, or other needs.
I think I could modify this linker code to dynamically load code from the floppy on-demand, so the program looks like one big piece of compiled code, that is actually too big to fit in memory, and I could just page bits of the code in as I need it.
Sure, it would slow down execution, but I’d keep the pieces of the program loaded that I absolutely need, and only load in that code that I need on occasion.
I could do this with a spell check in a word processing package instead of loading the spell check from ROM where it is stored now.
I could also load extra game levels in as you play through the game.
Read – Spirou et Fantasio #1 – 4 aventures de Spirou… et Fantasio
Today I finished reading “Spirou et Fantasio #1 – 4 aventures de Spirou… et Fantasio” by Andre Franquin
Read – Lucky Luke #5 – Lucky Luke Contre Pat Poker
Today I finished reading “Lucky Luke #5 – Lucky Luke Contre Pat Poker” by Morris
Reality compression
I liken most software development to be the equivalent of squeezing a quart in to a pint pot.
It doesn’t matter what the pot is measuring – compute time, cost, memory or storage consumption, or development time – every measurement is equivalent to squeezing a quart in to a pint pot.
Sometimes we ‘re just better at squeezing some types of stuff smaller than others.
Loud and proud
You want to figure out who is most wrong in any altercation?
Look for the loudest one or the angriest one.
Anger and volume.
They are not always hand-in-hand.
But they are strong indicators that this is the person who is most in the wrong.
The one who fucked up.
The one who probably caused the accident.
Paged code
I figured out how to make the linker generate a program that has a bootstrap piece of code that then loads other parts of the program that are needed to execute.
Right now the linker is hard-coded to break up a large program in to two separate pieces.
I really think this could work for a text adventure game.
I would just load the room description and any special code that only runs in that room, whenever the player goes in to the room.
It could be paged in from floppy when the player enters the room, and then, when the player leaves the room and go somewhere else, the memory gets over-written with code for that new room the player just wandered off too.
I am coming to realise that C is pretty powerful.
Because I can write code very fast.
Much faster than in assembly.
That runs almost as fast.
Or as fast as I need it to for the software I want to write.
And if I am paying by the hour for someone else to write code for me, if the speed of the code is non-critical, I want them to write that code as quickly as possible.
Listening – Heaven Up Here
This week I listened to “Heaven Up Here” by Echo & The Bunnymen
Voices of a distant past
Does the voice in your head sound older as you grow older?
Or does the voice in your head stay the same age?
Can you change the volume of the voice in your head?
Read – Anne of Windy Poplars
Today I finished reading “Anne of Windy Poplars” by L.M. Montgomery
Listening – Time
This week I listened to “Time” by Electric Light Orchestra
Read – The House at Pooh Corner
Today I finished reading “The House at Pooh Corner” by A.A. Milne
Read – Lucky Luke #31 – Tortillas pour les Dalton
Today I finished reading “Lucky Luke #31 – Tortillas pour les Dalton” by Morris
It compiles!
My C compiler for the Beeb works!
It just compiled my test code.
*dances around room*
A linker?
Seriously, who the hell thought that concept up?!?
Read – Lucky Luke #6 – Hors-la-loi
Today I finished reading “Lucky Luke #6 – Hors-la-loi” by Morris
Read – Anne of Green Gables
Today I finished reading “Anne of Green Gables” by L.M. Montgomery
Listening – Faith
This week I listened to “Faith” by The Cure
Smarter than me?
If computers are so smart how come they cannot figure out how to correctly execute the lousy, buggy code I just wrote?
Read – The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 2: Seminumerical Algorithms
Today I finished reading “The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 2: Seminumerical Algorithms” by Donald Ervin Knuth
Long slow plodding read.
Takes even longer when you are forcing yourself to implement each of the examples. Once in BASIC and again in 6502 assembly.
Some of the math is leaving me behind.
It took me about two months to work my way through the first volume. This one took me well over three months.
Hard slog
Progress is both “fast” and “slow” on the C compiler.
This is the first “real compiler” I’ve ever written.
I’ve done a couple of really simple custom languages, and I was able to cobble together a Forth compiler in 6502.
But this is taking my skills to a whole new level.
It is bloody hard.
I’ve got a book, and that’s helping.
And I’ve learned about lexical analysis, and syntactic analysis, and then I got lost at grammars and the tree structure required to figure out what piece of text can be compiled next.
Read – Lucky Luke #27 – Le 20eme de Cavalerie
Today I finished reading “Lucky Luke #27 – Le 20eme de Cavalerie” by Morris
Listening – Juju
This week I listened to “Juju” by Siouxsie & The Banshees
Read – Lucky Luke #2 – Le Pied-tendre
Today I finished reading “Lucky Luke #2 – Le Pied-tendre” by Morris
Read – Lucky Luke #7 – El Elixir del doctor Doxio
Today I finished reading “Lucky Luke #7 – El Elixir del doctor Doxio” by Morris
Read – Lucky Luke #17 – Canyon Apache
Today I finished reading “Lucky Luke #17 – Canyon Apache” by Morris
Read – Boule et Bill #2 – 60 gags de Boule et Bill
Today I finished reading “Boule et Bill #2 – 60 gags de Boule et Bill” by Jean Roba
Cart before horse
I’m learning C.
It’s a fun little language to work with.
But before I can start really programming in C, I need a C compiler.
And there isn’t one available for the Beeb.
First I have to write a C compiler (in 6502) and then I can start writing C.
Read – Anne of the Island
Today I finished reading “Anne of the Island” by L.M. Montgomery
Child’s play
“That’s an interesting way to state how a computer works, but now try explaining it to me again using grown-up words.”
Apparently this is not something you should say to your school teacher explaining how a computer works.
Listening – Ghost In The Machine
This week I listened to “Ghost In The Machine” by The Police
Read – Boule et Bill #1 – 60 gags de Boule et Bill
Today I finished reading “Boule et Bill #1 – 60 gags de Boule et Bill” by Jean Roba
Read – Aesop’s Fables
Today I finished reading “Aesop’s Fables” by Aesop
Listening – Computer World
This week I listened to “Computer World” by Kraftwerk
That’s a really short skirt
The BBS now has a quick chat forum.
You are limited to a maximum of 128 characters per message.
Think of it this way, posts to the quick chat forum should be like a young lady’s skirt. Long enough to cover the subject, but short enough to maintain the viewer’s interest.
When you login you will get a scroll of all the latest quick chats from the people in your subscribed social forums (unless you’ve blocked them).
You can also subscribe to the quick chats of people outside of your subscribed social forums by subscribing individually to each person’s quick chat.
Share news. Share life. Don’t share things you don’t want other people to see.
Read – Lucky Luke #45 – L’Empereur Smith
Today I finished reading “Lucky Luke #45 – L’Empereur Smith” by Morris
You and yours
Is life about finding yourself?
Or is life about creating your self?
Read – Lucky Luke #9 – Des Rails sur la Prairie
Today I finished reading “Lucky Luke #9 – Des Rails sur la Prairie” by Morris
Read – Spirou et Fantasio #7 – Le Dictateur et le champignon
Today I finished reading “Spirou et Fantasio #7 – Le Dictateur et le champignon” by Andre Franquin
Listening – My Life In The Bush Of Ghosts
This week I listened to “My Life In The Bush Of Ghosts” by Brian Eno & David Byrne
Read – Lucky Luke Adventure #4 – Jesse James
Today I finished reading “Lucky Luke Adventure #4 – Jesse James” by Morris
Are Grammar Nazis Anti-Semantic?
Grammar is the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you’re shit.
Listening – Discipline
This week I listened to “Discipline” by King Crimson
Read – Les Collines Noires
Today I finished reading “Les Collines Noires” by Morris
Read – Lucky Luke Adventure #7 – Barbed Wire on the Prairie
Today I finished reading “Lucky Luke Adventure #7 – Barbed Wire on the Prairie” by Morris
Doctor! Doctor! I’ve got this duck stuck in my…
If you think about it, the difference between fetish and deviance is that the fetishist uses the feather and the deviant uses the duck.
Listening – Damaged
This week I listened to “Damaged” by Black Flag
Legally questionable
Just because it was legal to do doesn’t mean it was right to do.
Slavery was legal.
Certain laws are as much about our morality at the time they are written.
I wonder what someone in the late 21-st century (a hundred years from now) will make of our laws today?
Read – The Lord of the Rings
Today I finished reading “The Lord of the Rings” by J.R.R. Tolkien
Update: Apparently I am informed this is a trilogy. Not just one book.