“If you don’t like the laws and customs of the country, why don’t you just leave?”
You own a gun?
People fought against the law, and they died to change the law, for your right to own a gun.
You’re a woman and you vote?
People fought against the law, and they died to change the law, for your right to vote.
You believe in birth control?
People fought against the law, and they died to change the law, for your right to birth control.
You’re black and free?
People fought against the law, and they died to change the law, for your right to freedom and not be a slave.
You’re an immigrant and came to this country at any time in the past 250 years?
People fought against the law, and they died to change the law, for your right to live here.
Native, immigrant, black, female, white, left wing, right wing, Jew, Catholic, Christian, Atheist, you all owe your thanks and your liberty to those that changed the law and died for your right to be here.
Your race, your gender, your skin colour, your sexual preference, your religion or your poisonous political ideals, no matter who you are, your permission to remain here and be safe in your home and the liberty you enjoy is because someone fought and died to change the law that oppressed you.
Leave the politics to the people that make a difference.
Leave the politics to the people that can make a difference.
Leave the politics to the people who will make a difference.
Your poisonous, parochial, divisive, demagogue ideals are playground tactics of an immature political outlook.
You don’t like what I am saying?
Too bad, people fought to change the law, and died for the right for YOU to be able to disagree with what I have to say.
If you don’t like what I’m saying, you could always try and change the law.
But wait… That isn’t your way.
Well you can’t change the law, because, as you say, “If you don’t like it, you can leave.”
Off you go.
You don’t get to say “A pen in the hand of this man is more dangerous than a gun in the hands of thousands.”
You don’t get to say “We should change these laws.”
These laws were made by our policymakers.
These policymakers were put there by the people.
If you don’t like the laws that are being enacted, by your logic, you don’t have the right to change them, you don’t have the right to protest against them.
These are the laws of the country.
You don’t like them?
Then why don’t you leave.
Leave us this country and we’ll run it how we see fit.