Goodbye Teithe Din Din / Teith Yr Ewin / Teith yr 拧紧
Always in our hearts.
Teithe Din Din was a poor translation of “Journey of the Nail” or “Journey of the Screw.” It is a combination of Welsh and Chinese. The dog came all the way from Taiwan as a rescue, with a pin in her leg, so her foster family in the US named her “拧紧” which, to a Western ear sounds like “Ding ding” so she became “Ding ding”.
When we adopted her on April 16th 2011, Joyce and I pondered for a while and decided on “Taith Yr Ding Ding” as her name. But when you talk to a vet, they don’t quite get the nuance in the pronunciation, so on the veterinary records she was “Teithe Din DIn” and that just kind of stuck after a while.
When she arrived she was thin and scrawny, having spent almost six months in a tiny, cramped cage – she was our “Size 0 Super Model.”
She ate fried rice, so she was our “Number 37 Takeout Special with Fried Rice.”
She was Joyce’s heart dog, and I got to borrow her on occasion when Joyce wasn’t around.
And then 11 years later Din Din got cancer.
And then she was gone.
And I miss you.
And it hurts.