Today I read a published paper titled “Design of an Agent for Answering Back in Smart Phones”
Shallow fluff with obvious solutions to obvious problems.
The abstract is:
The objective of the paper is to design an agent which provides efficient response to the caller when a call goes unanswered in smartphones. The agent provides responses through text messages, email etc stating the most likely reason as to why the callee is unable to answer a call. Responses are composed taking into consideration the importance of the present call and the situation the callee is in at the moment like driving, sleeping, at work etc. The agent makes decisons in the compostion of response messages based on the patterns it has come across in the learning environment. Initially the user helps the agent to compose response messages. The agent associates this message to the percept it recieves with respect to the environment the callee is in. The user may thereafter either choose to make to response system automatic or choose to recieve suggestions from the agent for responses messages and confirm what is to be sent to the caller.