Today I read a paper titled “The Interactive Minority Game: a Web-based investigation of human market interactions”
The abstract is:
The unprecedented access offered by the World Wide Web brings with it the potential to gather huge amounts of data on human activities.
Here we exploit this by using a toy model of financial markets, the Minority Game (MG), to investigate human speculative trading behaviour and information capacity.
Hundreds of individuals have played a total of tens of thousands of game turns against computer-controlled agents in the Web-based_Interactive Minority Game_.
The analytical understanding of the MG permits fine-tuning of the market situations encountered, allowing for investigation of human behaviour in a variety of controlled environments.
In particular, our results indicate a transition in players’ decision-making, as the markets become more difficult, between deductive behaviour making use of short-term trends in the market, and highly repetitive behaviour that ignores entirely the market history, yet outperforms random decision-making.
PACS: 02.50.Le; 89.65.Gh; 89.70.+c Keywords: Decision theory and game theory; Economics and financial markets; Information theory .