Today I read a paper titled “Truecluster: robust scalable clustering with model selection”
The abstract is:
Data-based classification is fundamental to most branches of science.
While recent years have brought enormous progress in various areas of statistical computing and clustering, some general challenges in clustering remain: model selection, robustness, and scalability to large datasets.
We consider the important problem of deciding on the optimal number of clusters, given an arbitrary definition of space and clusteriness.
We show how to construct a cluster information criterion that allows objective model selection.
Differing from other approaches, our truecluster method does not require specific assumptions about underlying distributions, dissimilarity definitions or cluster models.
Truecluster puts arbitrary clustering algorithms into a generic unified (sampling-based) statistical framework.
It is scalable to big datasets and provides robust cluster assignments and case-wise diagnostics.
Truecluster will make clustering more objective, allows for automation, and will save time and costs.
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