This month I am studying “Software project management”
Have done project management for quite a few software projects so far but I think some formal training in the subject wouldn’t hurt.
Open University has a non-credit course being offered and best of all, I don’t have to watch any of those terrible videos from the 1970’s.
This is an on-line class delivered via a website (ooh! fancy!) and some interactive conference calls with the instructor and other class members.
It is three months long, but none of the material is gated. There are no team based project assignments from what I can see. Just a bunch of reading, a couple of essays and two multi-choice exams. This should be pretty easy in terms of workload.
There is a five-day optional residency that goes with the course I am going to take as well.
Update: Done with all the class work. Will take the residency in late August and then I am done.