This month I am studying “InDesign CC interactive document fundamentals”
Somebody needs to think about this stuff...
by justin
This month I am studying “InDesign CC interactive document fundamentals”
by justin
This month I am studying “Custom textures for retro illustrations”
by justin
This month I am studying “Photoshop one-on-one fundamentals”
I figured it was about time I actually sat down and updated my Adobe Photoshop skills for the new version.
Expecting this will take me most of the month if I do all of the exercises and any extra exercises too.
by justin
This month I am studying “Integrating type in to videos with After Effects”
Short video course and exercise files on how to do various type effects in After Effects.
Update: Pretty basic stuff. Not sure it was worth my time. Wrapped everything up inside of a week. Think I will just spend the rest of the month practicing my figure and landscape drawing.
by justin
This month I am studying “Compositing and effects with After Effects”
I don’t have much call to use After Effects in my job but it is always useful knowing one more software package in the Adobe suite.
by justin
This month I am studying “Creating retina graphics with Photoshop and Illustrator”
This is an online class consisting of a bunch of pre-recorded video and some exercises.
I’ve got a lot of experience making assets at different resolutions for the same project. Though I suspect that there are some tricks I can still learn.
Update: Was rather disappointed. I didn’t come away with a single new piece of knowledge. It was good practice, but I think I could have spent the time on a more fruitful pursuit.
I managed to log 30 hours of study (watching videos) and then self-directed practice.
by justin
This month I am studying “Creating retro futuristic illustrations with Photoshop”
Bit of a short course. 15 hours of pre-recorded video and some exercise files.
by justin
This month I am studying “Creating a technical illustration cutaway”
In-person workshop/class with instructor feedback on work.
I looooove maps.
Maps and cutaway illustrations have always fascinated me.
Now I get to spend an entire month learning how cutaway illustrations are put together and designing some of my own.
by justin
This month I am studying “Drawing on the iPad with SketchBook Pro”
In-person workshop at local art school over on Zelzah
I love SketchBook Pro on my Surface. Time to start practicing with it on my iPad Pro.
by justin
This month I am studying “Creating characters in Adobe Illustrator”
It is an online class consisting mostly of prerecorded video and some exercises.
Should be fun.
Update: Between the video, exercises and extra work I logged 29 hours over the month in improving my character creation skills using Adobe Illustrator.
by justin
This month I am studying “Optimizing 2D graphics for games”
Cannot imagine it will take me more than a week or so to work through the instructional part so I will dedicate the rest of the month to just doing extra exercises.
This is an on-line class, prerecorded video, some interaction with an instructor, bunch of exercises to work through.
Update: Got done with the instructional videos and the exercise files in a long, quiet, three-day weekend with the wife out of town at a convention. I guess I will spend the rest of the month just doing more exercises.
Log update: Logged 30 hours of study and practice.
by justin
This month I am studying “Foundations of layout and composition”
An on-line course, with some classroom interaction through two-way video.
Most of my art training stops dead at the end of an individual piece. I’m interested in broadening my exposure to understand how to compose larger pieces of work; a magazine for instance, or a comprehensive look and feel of a set of characters in a game or comic book.
Update: Logged 18 hours of study and practice.
by justin
This month I am studying “InDesign typography”
Already studied a bunch of typography techniques over the years so I am treating this as more of a refresher course and how to apply specific techniques using InDesign itself.
This is an online class consisting of video tutorials and exercises.
Update: I logged 28 hours of studying, between the all-too short video tutorials 21 hours of practice.
by justin
This month I am studying “Adobe InDesign tips & tricks”
Good time to figure out some shortcuts and hidden tricks that I maybe didn’t pick up in the previous months.
This is a short-course, just 6 hours of video, with no real exercises to speak of so I will just fill in the rest of the month with my own self-directed work.
Update: Was not as “tips & tricks” laden as I had hoped. After I got done with the 6 hours of video I went ahead and logged another 14 hours of InDesign study just going through specific design exercises.
by justin
This month I am studying “InDesign advanced training”
Well we got the basics down last month with 15 hours of recorded video and a bunch of exercises. This month I figured I should try and take it to the next level with more advanced techiques.
Update: A lot of the advanced training was to do with typography, page layout, composition, etc. Most of the stuff I know how to do in Illustrator or Photohop. The actual studying was a breeze to get through.
Between the video tutorials, exercises and just practicing what I learnt I logged a total of 29 hours of study for the month.
by justin
This month I am studying “Introduction to InDesign”
InDesign is one of those packages I hardly ever use so I sort of fumble around more than be productive. I am hoping this course will correct that.
Update: I would say I have a working familiarity with InDesign now. It is not a particularly complex package to figure out. I doubt I will have much use for the knowledge going forward unless I plan on creating my own magazine.
Log update: 27 hours of study and practice.
by justin
This month I am studying “Tracing artwork with Illustrator”
This is a short class on using Illustrator to convert artwork to line drawings using the built-in tracing tools.
I don’t really need to take a class in this subject, and I certainly don’t need to spend an entire month studying it. I am in a time crunch this month. I am splitting my time between teaching an advanced iOS development class at the Apple campus and developing Lucky Ace Slots for release in the New Year. Just not enough hours in the day.
Update: Managed to at least log 16 hours of study and practice throughout the month. Hotel rooms are great places to just focus on what work needs to be done.
by justin
This month I am studying “Package design with Illustrator”
I’ve always had a fascination with really good package design.
Not just the language and metaphors used in the packaging, but also how graphics are wrapped around a three dimensional object.
Expecting to extract a lot of useful knowledge from this intensive design class.
This is an online class consisting of video tutorials and practice exercises.
Log: Managed to log 18 hours of tutorials, study and practice exercises.
by justin
This month I am studying “Creating website wireframes with Illustrator”
Generally when I want to do web design I stop at the wireframe/prototyping stage with either pen & paper or Balsamiq Mockups and turn to doing the code.
Wondering if there is any advantage to using Illustrator to go one step further towards a complete design.
Update: Between watching the videos, practicing the exercises and doing some extra-curricular work, I logged 21 hours of study time for the month.
There does seem to be some advantage to this. I need to start thinking of the design as a pipeline going through “normal form” like I would with data. Sketch on paper becomes wireframe on paper becomes wireframe in Illustrator becomes flesh design out in Illustrator becomes convert to HTML/CSS/JavaScript.
by justin
This month I am studying “Creating logos and icons for mobile apps”
It looks like the course primarily relies on Adobe Illustrator for most of the work, with a few outline sketches.
The course is about 12 hours long, and there are several lengthy exercises to work through, so I am anticipating this will take me at least a month to work through, complete the exercises and then review what I have learnt.
Update: I studied and practiced for 26 hours total.
by justin
This month I am studying “Creating poseable characters with Illustrator”
I seem to be on an Adobe Illustrator kick, of late. Forth class in a row dealing with interesting aspects of how to use the software.
Log: 20 hours of practice
by justin
This month I am studying “Cartography illustrations”
Had a lot of fun creating a bunch of maps in Illustrator last month so I decided to actually take a class in cartograpy for this month.
This is an in-person class of about 8 hours split over two days.
Update: Logged 11 hours total between in-person class time and extra practice.
by justin
This month I am studying “Creating maps in Illustrator”
I love maps. I am looking forward to this class on how to make them in Illustrator.
This seems to be a hybrid class. It has an in-person one-on-one workshop component and then a bunch of video tutorials and exercises to work through. Should be interesting to see how the format plays out.
Update: 27 hours logged between the half-day workshop, the video tutorials, the exercises and the extra work I did.
by justin
This month I am studying “Changing a portrait studio background in Photoshop”
I am thinking it will take me about two weeks, but if I allow myself a month I can do some extra free experimentation exercises.
Update: Managed to work on over a dozen different portrait studio images in my spare time. I had to go back and review some of the techniques because I wasn’t quite achieving the look I wanted.
by justin
This month I am studying “Creating art nouveau posters”
This month I am studying how to create posters in the Art Noeveau style in a class called, oddly enough, “Creating art nouveau posters.”
Every time I think of art nouveau I think “art deco.”
The two aren’t exactly related and are world’s apart in their aesthetic.
Art nouveau’s period is late 19th century, circa 1880, and was in response to the industrial revolution and the societal upheaval that was wrought by that.
Art deco was early 20th century, circa 1920, and was in response (partially) to the depression of the World War I era.
Art nouveau is the flowery one.
Art deco is the streamlined one.
But it is still fixed in my head that when I hear “art nouveau” my brain flits to the “art deco” lamps in our bedroom.
Either way, it will be interesting to study the drawing style and create some overly decorated posters in the appropriate style.
by justin
This month I am studying “Designing an infographic”
Who doesn’t love an interesting infographic
As I’ve always said, “An infographic is a clever and interesting way to show off how ignorant you are about a subject.”
by justin
This month I am studying “Thumbnail sketching and line drawing”
Four day workshop spread over four weeks
After two back-to-back ancient languages I figured I should probably try something creative to detox.
by justin
This month I am studying “Comic book illustration – Developing ideas and design concepts”
The last month of learning how to create comic book. This month I will be studying the 21st, 22nd, 23rd and 24th months of material. One month of material per week. Figures crossed I can keep up this pace.
This has been a 24 month on-line course on drawing and illustrating comic books that I have been able to cram in to seven months of study so far.
Update: That was a two year college course I crammed in to a little over six months. Also did a bunch of extra coursework and exercises and I am pretty happy with my progress.
by justin
This month I am studying “Comic book illustration – Fundamentals of sequential art storytelling”
This is the 6th month of study. This month I intend to do the coursework for the 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th months. One month of study and practice and assignments per week.
Update: Looks like I am going to overrun my stated goal by about a month. Life is intruding with a move from Washington to California that wasn’t exactly planned for.
by justin
This month I am studying “Comic book illustration – Drawing comics”
I’ve always wanted to create my own comic book.
Or at least, I’ve always wanted to know *HOW* to create my own comic book.
This is going to be a great introduction to that.
It’s a two year course that I’m going to wrap up in about six months.
by justin
This month I am studying “Foundations of figure drawing”
Two nights a week, one month course offered at the local art school in San Diego I just enrolled for. It’s sort of a follow-on course to last months offering.
Update #1: I am bad at anatomy. But I am getting really good at drawing stick figures and stick figures that look like sausages.
Update #2: I won’t be attending the final week as I am moving from Carlsbad, CA to just North of Seattle at the end of September.
Update #3: Between the 18 hours of class (rather than 24 because I had to skip the last week due to moving house) and some extra practice sessions to make up for the fact I skipped two classes I managed to log 28 hours of practice and study.
by justin
This month I am studying “Figure drawing fundamentals”
Two nights a week, one month course that Art Institute of California San Diego is hosting.
Update: I managed to log 21 hours of class time and practice.
by justin
This month I am studying “Basics of colour theory”
Short, in-person course offered at the local art school in San Diego. One night a week for one month. Should be super-easy.
Update: Between the 12 hours of scheduled class time and the homework and extra reading I covered, I logged 31 hours of study in colour theory. There are interesting splits between age and gender demographics on preferences for certain colours. And oddly, I fall out of the usual demographic range for age and gender. I prefer yellows. Deep, rich yellows.
by justin
This month I am studying “Foundations of drawing”
Local art school off Pacific, just a block from the Osiris Studios office, has a couple of workshops. Two hours a week, twice a week for eight weeks. I spoke to the instructor and they will let me double-up with the other class they run (had to pay twice) so I get four nights a week and complete the class in four weeks.
Update: Logged 82 hours total between the classes and take home exercises.
Update #2: I do not wish to see naked people of a certain age ever again… can certainly put you off your dinner.
by justin
This month I am studying “Pencil drawing”
Decided to take some of my accumulated holiday (stupid “use it or lose it” policy) from Activision and use that time to improve my pencil drawing.
This is an in-person five half-day workshop.
Update: Logged 20 hours of study and practice. 16 hours of class time, four hours of extra practice.
by justin
This month I am studying “Painting the sea in oils”
Oil painting.
Because we all want to be Bob Ross — or Nancy if you are British and grew up in the 80s.
This is four separate half-day, in-person workshops.
Update: Oil painting is freaking messy.
Update: I think I am done with oil painting. I might return to it in the future as a hobby but it’s not something that interests me right now.
Log update: 20 hours spent in class, and another 7 hours for a total 27 hours of study and practice.
by justin
This month I am studying “Fundamentals of oil painting”
I enjoyed the oil painting class last month enough I’d like to try doing some more. Not sure I am going to make a hobby out of it though.
A series of four, one day (six hours a day if you don’t count coffee and lunch) workshops.
Update: 24 hours of class time, 3 hours of extra practice.
by justin
This month I am studying “Oil painting for beginners”
Because why the hell not? Four, one-day workshops.
Update: I am an artiste!
Update: Oil painting is messy and expensive (probably because it is so pretentious).
by justin
This month I am studying “Calligraphy.”
This is the final month of a four month part-time course in calligraphy.
Update: Logged 15 hours of studying and reading this month for a grand total of 68 hours out of the estimated 52 hours of required class time.
Final update: I will never improve my handwriting.
by justin
This month I am studying “Calligraphy.”
This is the third month of a four month part-time course.
Update: 18 hours of class time and reading for a total (so far) of 53 hours out of an estimated 52 hours of required class time.
by justin
This month I am studying “Calligraphy.”
Second month of participation. Continuing on from last month where I began a four month part-time study up at Rhydfelin.
Update: 17 logged hours of study. 35 hours so far.
by justin
This month I am studying “Calligraphy.”
Rhydfelin has a one night a week workshop in calligraphy and I really want to improve my hand-writing.
The workshop is a 4-month part time workshop. One night a week, three hours per night.
This will be my first month.
Update: Decided to log how many hours I actually spend each month studying and reading. And also how much I estimate the class requires based on total class room hours, though I suspect I will have to fudge that a bit if the course requires homework, et cetera. So, 18 hours this month, and I estimate the class is 52 hours long.