I love the twisted, vitriolic narrative, and I especially like the hot-under-the-collar headlines of these articles.
All the headlines are taken from “respected” thought leader magazines or business websites such as Forbes, Inc, FastCompany, ChiefExecutive, HRExectuive, and there are thousands of these headlines, and the increase in them the past year has been like watching the hockey-stick on a unicorn.
All the words keyed up to make you (the reader) feel like “our” (the company) “employees” are the problem, the competing companies are stealing “our” valuable resources, we are in a war for “our” talent. We must “win” at all costs. We’re gonna try everything!!1!
It’s not us (the company).
Oh no.
We treat our valuable people fairly!
Lookit at how fair we’re being by generously trying to figure out how to get them to stay.
We’re like a family here!
But how dare “our” resources consider going with the money, or a less toxic environment, or realising there is more to life than being chained to a desk for 40+ years to only end up with a broken mind, or chained to a physical job for 40+ years only to end up with a broken body.
Our employees love us!
Newsflash: Employees, not people, not individuals, not a person, “employees”, humans who work for money to be able to live, are like cats, they “love” whoever feeds them the most and don’t treat them bad.
I think the pendulum swung a little too far the wrong way in the past four decades. And it is interesting to now watch those that got promoted and worked for a decade or two in such a system to now realise that the pendulum has swung a little further the other way. But you didn’t notice, because you were too happy with the status quo.
It’s like watching an abuser wake up one day only to find that the victim has an ex-Marine big brother with impulse control issues.