Somebody wrote “You’re writing ability is only as good your willingness to delete sentences, no matter how emotionally attached to them.”
Some other wonk wrote: “You’re writing ability is only as good your willingness to delete sentences.”
And I propose that the LinkedIn “Create A Post” text box, or any text editor aimed at writers, starts at 3,000 characters, and then slowly lowers the character limit as you are writing. When it detects you’ve used some terrible phrasing or a cliche, the text box lowers the character limit faster.
Every time you used delete or backspace, it removes the character you want to delete, but also shortens the amount of text you can write. Every time you move the cursor, it shortens the amount of text you can write. Every time you move the mouse outside of the window, for every second it remains outside, it shortens the amount of text you can write.
You get the idea…