I’ve run in to a lot of people that opine “I don’t know what to write!” My problem is, I don’t have enough time to write all I want.
How do I come up with stuff to write about?
I either trawl through my notebooks for pieces I can use about personal projects I am working on, e.g. buying a 3D printer or constructing a cabinet in the workshop or prime number theory.
Or I scroll through social media until I find something that makes me annoyed that makes me want to shake my fist at a random passing cloud, or someone asks, again on social media, a thoughtful question, and then I form an opinion on either of those two subjects, and then I write about that.
And for every one post on my public journal, I probably have five or six more pieces in my private notebooks that probably shouldn’t ever see the light of day.
Today I made notes on Anchor Hocking storage containers, a math problem, some computer vision research, storage in my workshop, how to write journal entries, rubbermaid container storage options, and the car maintenance schedule.
Read social media. Get annoyed or answer a question. Write a journal entry.
That’s it. That’s my entire method.