It was fun in a run of the mill kind of way.
It was what Ready Player One! should have been.
Free Guy used a lot of recognizable gaming tropes from one aspect that were kind of funny but there was also a lot of “meh, old news” tropes and jokes that just went wide. Maybe if you haven’t ever seen a single gamer oriented movie with in-jokes before they might be kinda funny.
Film was obviously made for a young audience.
You want to know the biggest issue I had with the entire movie? When the villain is destroying the servers at the end. Totally broke suspension of disbelief.
1) You aren’t going to put your servers in your building.
2) They won’t be on the ground floor
3) Redundant servers? Hello? Even without sharding the most basic server architecture wouldn’t work how it was depicted. Or shut down in the way depicted either.
Yeah, I know, my brain can put aside all the other fantastical elements of the film but I get hung up on the server architecture and the server installation.
And yeah, I know main villain took a fireaxe to the computers, but they don’t spark like that when you hit them. They’d probably just keep on trucking.
Frankly I would have just started yanking network cables rather than the dramatic show of violent frustration.
Additional thought: If you watched the trailer, you’ve watched the movie.